The HVAC Experts in Lebanon, OH

What Should You Do If Your A/C Goes Out This Summer?     

What Should You Do If Your A/C Goes Out This Summer?     

A/C, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, Lebanon, OH, Ohio, Summer, Thermostat, Tips & Tricks

Lebanon Heating & Cooling wants nothing but the best for you and your family! Throughout the HVAC industry, it’s highly recommended that homeowners continually practice preventative maintenance and regular upkeep of their A/C system. However, we also understand that unpredictable situations can occur no matter how much we plan to stay away from undesirable A/C issues. For this reason, we believe it is important to know several basic troubleshooting steps that are safe for homeowners to put into effect if your A/C were to go out this summer!  

Have You Checked the Thermostat?  

Can you remember when was the last time your thermostat batteries were changed? Perhaps you can’t exactly recall when it was, so if this is the case and your A/C is giving you problems, it’s likely your thermostat simply needs a new set of batteries! Often, A/C troubles are caused by low or empty thermostat batteries.   

Have You Checked the Circuit Breaker?  

The next step is to check the circuit breaker. Even if you didn’t notice your circuit breaker flipping off, it’s still possible that it flipped while you were away from your house, or perhaps it even happened in the middle of the night. So, your air conditioner problems just might be fixed by flipping the switch back to the on position.  

Have You Checked the Air Filter?  

A common cause of air conditioner problems is dirty air filters. When a clogged air filter is unchanged, it can lead to your A/C system short cycling or even other various problems. Therefore, you will want to ensure your air filter is changed every 30-60 days and doesn’t get clogged causing your system to not work properly. You may be shocked to find that your A/C just might jumpstart back to working again.  

Have You Checked the Compressor?  

If the problem is still persisting, think about the compressor outside. It’s important to make sure there is no physical damage done to the unit. You will also want to check that there is no loose debris caught in the compressor’s fan blades. Confirm that the compressor is running and is making its usual whirring sound. However, if something is off or it is making an irregular noise such as banging, clanking, or rattling, it’s time to call in a professional HVAC company.  

What Should Be Avoided If Your A/C Goes Out?  

We are proud to announce Lebanon Heating & Coolin offers emergency services round the clock. This means that we are available 24/7, 365 days a year. But bear in mind that it is currently the hottest time of the year, therefore there are many other homeowners who are experiencing problems with their air conditioners too. But rest assured, our customers are our top priority! We will arrive at your home as soon as we can! So, while you wait for our NATE-certified technician to get to your home, what should you not do in the meantime? time?  

First off, we suggest that you avoid utilizing heat-generating devices like your stove, dishwasher, and laundry dryer. If these are used, they will only add to the accumulating heat in your home to rise at a much faster rate. For our second suggestion, we also recommend not to leave your freezer door open hoping cooling relief will be provided. Though you may be tempted to find the smallest bit of cool relief, we just don’t think that it is worth risking your frozen food over. 

Looking for a local HVAC company you can count on? Well, look no more! Lebanon Heating & Cooling is ready and willing to assist you with any of your heating and cooling needs. We’d love to join you on your HVAC journey! So, call us today at (513) 540-1773, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here