The HVAC Experts in Lebanon, OH

Energy Tips for Super Bowl Parties

Energy Tips for Super Bowl Parties

Furnace, HVAC | 0 comments

With Super Bowl Sunday almost a week away, football fans across the country are preparing for festivities

Whether you’re a professional football fan, or you live with someone who is and you merely watch the event for the unique advertisements, Superbowl parties are an American tradition.  

With that said, if you’ve ever hosted a Super Bowl party, you understand how expenses can pile up quickly.

To help you counter those costs for your Super Bowl party, we at Lebanon Heating & Cooling present the following.

Keep the heat in check

When it comes to parties, extra bodies in a home combined with cooking can create a hotter house. As such, we encourage you to turn down the thermostat a few degrees. As hot as things can get at holiday parties, your guests are likely to end up thanking you. Keep in mind all the movement and activity associated with exciting football games. That’s if the game is exciting, and not a blow out.

In any case, if turning down the temp isn’t enough and it still feels a bit hot, try turning it down some more and if things heat up in a hurry you can always crack open a window. Be mindful, however, opening up doors and windows will send heat and energy out the window, literally, and this will end up costing you.

Keep off lights in other parts of the house

During most Superbowl Parties, almost everyone in the home hunkers around a single television, usually a huge flat screen, and aside from maybe the kitchen people really don’t venture off into other parts of the home. We suggest utilizing this to your advantage by turning lights off in other parts of the home, and rooms that’ll go unused during the Big Game.

Cook ahead of time

Because cooking is known to heat up a home in a hurry, we suggest preparing food ahead of time as much as possible. With people showing up prior to kick-off and cooking happening at the same time, the home can overheat in a hurry. While you want warm food, you don’t want to roast your guests.

Consider Indoor Air Quality

With all of your Superbowl festivities and fun happening at once, it’s easy to overlook the quality of air in our homes. Indoor air quality is essential, and it’s known to become compromised during gatherings.

Don’t let this be the case at your gathering. If your home is susceptible to indoor air pollution or if you have any strange smells lingering before or after your party, call Lebanon Heating & Cooling today at (513) 540-1773, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!